Monday, March 7, 2011

Well, I was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. It's our first night at home since last Wednesday night, before Cooper was born. It's so hard to be away him. He will not be able to come home for at least a few more days, maybe a week. I've called the hospital nursery already to check on him, and made them promise to call my cell if there are problems. He's in good hands, and we'll come to see him first thing tomorrow morning. Sleep tight little one. We love you!


  1. I love the photo of you three!

  2. I'm with Bri, what a perfect family photo!!

  3. ...and what a gentleman, that Cooper!! He even covers his mouth when he yawns!!! :-)

  4. This family picture is a must for the 2011 Jordan Christmas Card. I may need to stop by to take a few pics with Abby and Cabo to make sure they don't feel left out.

    Great Blog Guys!
