Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Recipe for Success?

 No more feeding tube!  No more feeding tube! 
 No more machine pumping food into his stomach. They have decided to pull the plug on the feeding tube/NG/gavage feedings. Hopefully, Cooper will never need it again.   

 No more feeding tube!
Cooper's nose is now tube free. Yay! Look at what a cute little nose it is. Tom Sr. is convinced that he couldn't possibly be any better looking, and we agree.

Will it be a recipe for success?
Cooper is drinking 60mL per feeding consistently (remember they wanted him to get 90mL), and he is gaining a little weight. The staff here is convinced that Cooper still needs more calories, so they are now adding a little powdered formula to the breast milk to add in more calories. Now each oz. (30mL) will have 22 calories instead of 20. We call this Cooper's "special recipe". We hope it will be a recipe for success, and Cooper will be out of here soon.


  1. What great news! Good luck to you guys- and get eatin' Coop!

  2. YAY!!! I love the little nose!!! (glad he didn't get dad's genes--jk) :-)

  3. Yay! Glad to hear that things are starting to go Cooper's way! :)

  4. I just have to say...that nose is adorable...hehe.
