Monday, March 7, 2011


Cooper has started getting nutrients through a feeding tube. The tube goes from his nose into his stomach. The nurses have been injecting breast milk, along with a little supplemented formula, into this tube every 3 hours. We have also started trying to breastfeed. Cooper has been doing well, but it's hard to breathe and suck at the same time. He tends to fall asleep instead of eating, but he's getting better at it all the time. We'll be very patient with him. He's the boss right now. 
(Added note: this font is called Cooper Black--I thought we'd try it out for tonight.) Good night & Sweet Dreams!


  1. Love it... and you! Sleep tight mama, I'll see you both in the morning

  2. Oh he is just precious! He'll get stronger everyday with your love and support - you're already demonstrating your amazing parenting skills. You're naturals! Congratulations again!!

  3. I love him already! And I love you both. He is looking so strong...I can't wait for you to bring him home as well, but your love keeps making him stronger and stronger...Way to go Cooper! We're rooting for you out here in Colorado!!!
