Friday, March 25, 2011

Going Home!

Don't I look excited to go home?
Getting ready to go home.
I'm all ready to face the Minnesota cold.
All wrapped up!

Finally home!

Yesterday, after 3 weeks, we finally left the hospital. It was a day full of firsts. Cooper had his first ride in an elevator, his first breath of fresh air, his first car ride, his first meeting with Cabo and Abby, his first look at his room. He was awake a lot during the afternoon, which meant he was sleepy and had a hard time eating over night. We are enjoying having Cooper home. Thank you to all the people who helped us get to here.


  1. LOVE those photos! He looks so great in his own bedroom!

  2. Finally together! We are so happy for you--and for the whole big extended Jordans and Gallaghers...just feels right now...Love you all!! Cathy

  3. Congratulations!! Melissa and I just went to the EPFSC Ice show!!Your son is adorable!!
    Best wishes and welcome to Motherhood! the best job of all!!
    Tammy Brooks

  4. He is as amazing as he is beautiful. I never knew "firsts" could fill me with so much pride. He is a champion. And Mom and Dad are the entire reason..... Love and admire you all more than you will ever know.

  5. We are so happy for the two of you. I bet it feels great having Cooper home! :)

    Welcome home Cooper! We can't wait to see you!! :)

  6. Chelsea & Tom, thrilled for you! Just discovered your blog and love it. What an amazing little guy. Courtney's right-he is a champ. Enjoy!
