Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's a hat trick!

He swallows; he scores!!! Cooper had another winning day with his bottle feeding. He went 3 for 3. Getting 80 mL at his feedings. Daddy was the champion at the 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. feedings. Courtney scored at the 4 p.m. feeding. Cathy is taking the 7 p.m. shift and we are wishing her luck with her game.

Tom's parents, Tom and Nadine, and his sister, Michelle, stopped by to see Cooper. It was great to see them. What a team!

Cooper, the future NHL star according to Tom and Joe, is snuggling up with his hockey blanket (made by Nadine) and cheering for the Eden Prairie Eagles in tonight's High School Boys' State Hockey Championship Game. Go EP!!!


  1. YAY EP!!! thanks for cheering for us Coop!! That's gonna be YOU some day!!!

  2. Cooper hit 80mL at 7pm,too! Cooper, Cooper he's our man.....

  3. Make that 4 in a row!

  4. Awesome! A good day all around capped off with an EP win! Woo hoo! Cooper must be a lucky charm!
