Tuesday, March 15, 2011


The doctors and nurses decided today that we could try a little experiment with Cooper. They have been making him eat (or be tube-fed) 90 mL of milk per feeding, and he has been gaining weight (2 oz. yesterday.) Today we started a 12 hr. experiment called "Cooper Can Eat What He Wants." They let him eat for 30-40 minutes, and then instead of putting the rest in his feeding tube, they just let him stop eating. As one nurse commented, "We may just be making him eat a Thanksgiving meal every three hours." They'll weigh him again, and if he keeps maintaining or gaining weight he may just not need as much food as they thought. We will let you know the results of the experiment.
Here are a couple of pictures of family that have come this week to visit. Cooper loves his family and can't wait to meet everyone.

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