Sunday, March 13, 2011

"No Goal"

There are good days and there are not-so-good days. Today was one of those not-so-good days. After all the excitement and anticipation yesterday, the nurse practitioner told us they want Cooper to go back to the old bottle/nipple combo. As Tom says, "After further review, No Goal." We will have to keep working with him so that he can do his 90 mL with the old bottle in roughly 30 minutes. They said they want him to be strong enough to eat in the "real world." Today he was extra sleepy and groggy, possibly due to the change with daylight savings time, or maybe he knew they were asking him to do more. He averaged 20-30 mL today.  
We'll keep working with him, using every trick we know. We'll unbutton his shirt, ruffle his hair, and tickle his feet to keep him awake. We'll rub the bottle on the roof of his mouth, twist it around, and massage his cheeks so that he keeps trying to suck down the milk. If anyone has any other good tips, feel free to post them in a comment. Let's hope for one of those good days tomorrow.


  1. It's okay little man.... today was a lazy Sunday. I feel ya on that one. Tomorrow will be better! Love you!

  2. We tried cool washclothes and rubbed them on Lily's cheeks when she was little and would fall asleep! Don't get discouraged...just keep having all the patience and love you are great at! He's made leaps and bounds proud of him and you! Love all three of you!!
