Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cooper is a Trooper

Since he's not supposed to have visitors yet, here is a little video of Cooper in the special care nursery.


  1. He is a rock star! i miss him already!!

  2. I just want to pinch his *little* thighs!

  3. Super Cooper!! We are glad to see you getting used to being out in the big world...take it easy for a few days. Cabo and Abby will be eager to see you at home.

  4. We came to see you on the 6th, and got to see pictures (too bad we are not 18 yet), but you look so cute it will be well worth the wait.

    Chelsea and Courtney (The cousins not the mom and aunt)

  5. Uncle Neil and I got to meet you on March 6th. The girls came too and got to see some cute pics and visit with your mom and dad. You are such a sweet, little thing.
    We are very proud to be your aunt and uncle!
    Lots of love to Cooper Thomas!
    Uncle Neil and Aunt Michelle
