Monday, March 21, 2011

Groundhog Day

For the 18th day in a row, our alarm clock woke us up with Sunny and Chare’s “I got you Babe.”  Ok, so maybe that was in the movie "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray, but that is kind of what it has felt like for us.  Everyday feels like March 3rd, 2011 over and over again but with small changes or milestones each day. Cooper, like Bill Murray, learns something new each day and applies it to the next day. One of these days he will put it all together for that one perfect day.  Instead of Bill Murray finally getting the girl, for us it will be the day when Cooper will get to come home. We can’t wait for that day to come, when we finally get to bring the little man home and put him in the nursery room that we spent so much time getting ready for him. We are so excited for him to meet the rest of the family (Cabo & Abby) and be home with us at last.

At the hospital, Cooper has been getting more consistent with his feedings. He is averaging about 60mL and is gaining a little weight. The doctors and nurses are sure that he still needs more calories, but they say we should be getting out of here soon (although no real date has been set).  Everyday Cooper is becoming a little more alert and in control of his body. We're also seeing his eyes open more. Here are a few pictures of our cutie from today...

1 comment:

  1. He's looking more and more like a little dude every day! Such a cutie!
