Saturday, March 19, 2011


How are things going? Well…. It’s been a little frustrating the last few days. We are overjoyed at the progress Cooper has made since he was born. And although his doctors and nurses want to follow up on a few things, medically he is doing pretty well. His biggest struggle continues to be eating. Yesterday he bottled between 13 and 60 mL.His numbers are up and down; he has good feedings and then not-so-good feedings, good days and then not-so-good days. We just want to bring our baby home.   
People keep telling us that we have to remember he’s still a preemie in a big kid body. Apparently, his eating habits are not that uncommon for a child born so early, and he went through a very stressful first few days. We continue to work on the feeding and hope that Cooper will come home soon.  Love you!


  1. Cooper's picture there is priceless--it captures his progress--you can see and feel the curiosity and spirit this little guy has...Love, Grandma Cathy

  2. I continue to be amazed at Cooper's progress. I love this picture of him...what an amazing little spirit that is shining through! I continue to pray for strength and patience during Cooper's stay at the hospital. We can't wait for you to bring him home either. Can't wait for those pictures with Abby and Cabo licking him! (hehe) Love you guys so much!

  3. Cooper's picture looks adorable- like a little man. We are thinking of you and praying that Coop gets the hang of eating and breathing at the same time. I hope he comes home soon!
