Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy One-Week Birthday!

Happy One-Week Birthday!

Yep, Cooper is one week old today. He has come so far. A week ago today he made his entry into the world. It was a tough start. At a scheduled doctor’s appointment with Dr. P, my ultrasound showed decreased fetal movement and drastically reduced umbilical blood flow. They sent me upstairs to the hospital, and I had an emergency C-section. Less than an hour later our baby was born. Cooper was really sick when the doctors got him out. He had to be resuscitated and wasn’t moving. But he’s a fighter. 

Now, he is sleeping like an angel and getting stronger everyday. We can’t wait to see what the next week brings.

I have been practically living in the hospital. At 6:30 a.m. Tom and I drive to the hospital, and the three of us spend about an hour together as a family. Then Tom leaves for work. Cooper has planned feeding times at 7:00, 10:00, 1:00, and 4:00. It takes about an hour or more to “practice” eating and then get food through his feeding tube. The rest of the time, Cooper is usually sleeping. While he sleeps, I spend time in the family room in the special care nursery. I usually make some phone calls, check e-mail, blog, or sleep. I try to stay close by and send my love to Cooper. I usually leave about 7:00p.m. Here are a few pictures of where I’ve been hanging out. Enjoy. 

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