Monday, June 20, 2011

An uninvited guest....

This afternoon as Cooper was laying playfully on the couch and I was folding laundry, Abby came down stairs with something in her mouth. She brought it and sat down on the floor by Cooper. I looked at it and said, "Abby, where did you find that shoe?"But upon closer examination I saw that it was not a shoe, but a turtle. Now, I am the kind of lady that flips out when it comes to wild animals. Yes I have called animal control when there was a raccoon in the sewer (no, I don't know if it was just living there or if it was stuck) and when Abby had found baby squirrels (and I did bring one to the humane society to see if they could save it). This time I ran up stairs with the baby and the dogs and shut the baby gate at the top of the stairs. Then I called my mom. She sent over some help, in the form of Courtney and Joe. Joe used to work in a vet clinic and said the turtle was "the nice kind," a painted turtle, not a snapping one. I flipped the turtle over so it wasn't on its back, and then we got it scooped up into a box (where it peed--better in the box than on our carpet). We walked down the street to the pond, and Joe let it go. He swam away with only a small cut on his head. Bye bye Mr. Turtle!!!

P.S. Father's Day pictures coming soon. :)

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