Friday, June 3, 2011


Dear Cooper,
You were born on 3/3, and now you are 3 months old. Wow how time flies. You are getting bigger and bigger every day, looking more and more like a little man instead of a baby. You're becoming more active, stretching and kicking and swinging your arms around. You've also started to make all kinds of different noises. We hear new oos and ahhs all the time. Just as you are learning new things, we are too. You are teaching us how to be patient, and you keep reminding us that we don't have to worry so much. People tell us that we are so lucky to have such a good baby. You are as sweet as can be and love cuddling. You have so many people that love you and want to be with you, great family and friends. You are such a joy. Happy 3-month birthday babe!
-Love, Mom and Dad

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