Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Up North

 Here are a few pictures from our weekend up north. 
A few notes:
-Chelsea is enjoying the summer with Cooper.  She loves work but is enjoying the summer off.
-Tom took his bike up north and rode from Larsmont to Duluth and back, 32 miles.
-Both of us have been enjoying photography and are looking into upgrading our camera. 
-Cooper is losing all his beautiful, dark hair. He's looking more and more like humpty dumpty everyday. He's also babbling a lot, goo goo ga. He's been smiling more and more too.
-The puppies are doing well. They are so sweet with Cooper.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy (belated) Fathers' Day!!!

For Fathers' Day we went to a Twins game and sat outside at the Metropolitan Club with Chelsea's family. It was a beautiful day, and the Twins won in the bottom of the ninth. Later we celebrated with Tom's family at the Howe's with a pizza dinner. Happy first Fathers' Day Tom!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

An uninvited guest....

This afternoon as Cooper was laying playfully on the couch and I was folding laundry, Abby came down stairs with something in her mouth. She brought it and sat down on the floor by Cooper. I looked at it and said, "Abby, where did you find that shoe?"But upon closer examination I saw that it was not a shoe, but a turtle. Now, I am the kind of lady that flips out when it comes to wild animals. Yes I have called animal control when there was a raccoon in the sewer (no, I don't know if it was just living there or if it was stuck) and when Abby had found baby squirrels (and I did bring one to the humane society to see if they could save it). This time I ran up stairs with the baby and the dogs and shut the baby gate at the top of the stairs. Then I called my mom. She sent over some help, in the form of Courtney and Joe. Joe used to work in a vet clinic and said the turtle was "the nice kind," a painted turtle, not a snapping one. I flipped the turtle over so it wasn't on its back, and then we got it scooped up into a box (where it peed--better in the box than on our carpet). We walked down the street to the pond, and Joe let it go. He swam away with only a small cut on his head. Bye bye Mr. Turtle!!!

P.S. Father's Day pictures coming soon. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Want to go for a Walk

As the weather gets nicer, we have been taking more and more walks as a family. We are trying to teach Abby to push baby Cooper. :) Do you think it'll work? Maybe, as long as she doesn't see a squirrel.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Dear Cooper,
You were born on 3/3, and now you are 3 months old. Wow how time flies. You are getting bigger and bigger every day, looking more and more like a little man instead of a baby. You're becoming more active, stretching and kicking and swinging your arms around. You've also started to make all kinds of different noises. We hear new oos and ahhs all the time. Just as you are learning new things, we are too. You are teaching us how to be patient, and you keep reminding us that we don't have to worry so much. People tell us that we are so lucky to have such a good baby. You are as sweet as can be and love cuddling. You have so many people that love you and want to be with you, great family and friends. You are such a joy. Happy 3-month birthday babe!
-Love, Mom and Dad