Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Arizona 2010

 Last week we went to Phoenix, Arizona. I needed a little warmth and sun. It was a final vacation before the baby comes this spring. We enjoyed time with "grandpa Harvey" and the wonderful weather in AZ. We went to Sedona, the botanical garden, and hung out by the pool. We also took some "pregnancy pictures" (above).

Here are some more pictures from our trip. The red rocks were beautiful and the temp. was in the mid 70s for most of the time. We picked a good week to go to. We missed the fifth biggest snowstorm in Minnesota's history. We didn't have to shovel snow (thanks Neil), and we got 2 extra days of vacation due to flights being canceled.

1 comment:

  1. O.K. Clarification: The picture of Tom is not a pregnancy picture. :)
