Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Abby says the crib checks out!

Holy clothes!

Sandy, Kevin, and Chase gave us a bunch of chase's old clothes. Wow! They're super cute and trendy. The dogs were overwhelmed. They curled up on my lap while I sorted. What a great gift! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Last night we went to the T-wolves game. We took our nieces Kayla, Jessi, and Paige to their first game for Christmas, because they love basketball. Tom, Nadine, Tim, and Diane came too. The wolves started out slow, but ended up winning the game 113-98. :) We had so much fun. We loved seeing how big the player's hands and shoes are. Kayla liked that she shares #42 with Kevin Love. It was a good night.
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Monday, December 27, 2010

Playing in the Snow

Cabo and Abby love to wrestle and play around in this Minnesota snow. It looks like they may be hurting each other, but they're not. They are having a ton of fun! This is my first attempt posting a video with my new flip camera (a Christmas present). I hope it works. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Cabo is showing off the baby's new stocking. Merry Christmas.
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas at the Jordans'! The youngest person gets to open gifts first. As Chelsea Howe said, "let the unborn go first. " The baby got a cute outfit from the Howes. Dinner was fabulous! We have Nadine's famous shrimp, steak, and cheese fondue. Yummy.
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Monday, December 20, 2010

The Nursery

Here's the nursery with new paint and a border. (And my model, Abby.)
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Friday, December 17, 2010


pregant cartoons, pregant cartoon, pregant picture, pregant pictures, pregant image, pregant images, pregant illustration, pregant illustrations
This little one is moving all the time. I feel lots of fluttering and kicking going on in there. Maybe he's going to be a soccer player, or he may just want the TV remote. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Arizona 2010

 Last week we went to Phoenix, Arizona. I needed a little warmth and sun. It was a final vacation before the baby comes this spring. We enjoyed time with "grandpa Harvey" and the wonderful weather in AZ. We went to Sedona, the botanical garden, and hung out by the pool. We also took some "pregnancy pictures" (above).

Here are some more pictures from our trip. The red rocks were beautiful and the temp. was in the mid 70s for most of the time. We picked a good week to go to. We missed the fifth biggest snowstorm in Minnesota's history. We didn't have to shovel snow (thanks Neil), and we got 2 extra days of vacation due to flights being canceled.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Reaction

 So, here are some pictures that capture how "grandma Cathy" and "auntie Courtney" learned that we were going to have a baby. 

We had gone up to Larsmont and into Duluth for lunch at Little Angies Cantina. While we were there, I told them I had something for them. I reached into my purse and pulled out a card for each of them. 
The card had a picture of a cute baby on the cover and inside I wrote a little note saying something like, "Get ready to be a auntie/grandma. Yep, it's true we're about 6 weeks pregnant." 

You can tell how they felt by the reactions on their faces as they were reading the cards. Happy, excited, surprised, joyful, ecstatic, delighted, eager, thrilled, shocked, elated..... 
They'll have to add their own comments to this post to share how they were feeling when they heard the news for the first time. :) 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Beginning

Well, here we are 23 weeks pregnant with our son. we decided that it might be time to begin a family Blog. Here we can add pictures and keep everyone updated with how our family is growing and changing. Here is one of the first pictures of our little baby boy. :) He is sucking his thumb. What a cutie!