Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter and Passover

Happy Easter, Passover, and happy Spring! Cooper had a great weekend On Sunday we started with Chelsea's mom's family at (great) aunty Sharron's house. We had tons of food and a beautiful day. The boys had an Easter Egg hunt. Each of them got 10 eggs. We had to help Cooper eat his jelly beans. :) 

Cooper was pretty worn out, and we were only halfway through our Easter Sunday. Next, we went to visit Tom's side of the family to hang out with the Jordans, Cooks, Slavins, Howes, Ricketts, and Tyrrells. Cooper loves all the attention from the girls.

Cooper also celebrated Passover with the Greens on Friday night. Look at Cooper with his fairy-aunt-mother, Courtney. What a happy little guy! Love the smiles.

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