Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I have been working on sitting up, and I'm so close. Sometimes I can do it, but other times my head starts to bob, and I lose my balance. I can usually sit with support. I have been rolling over. I like to roll to the left, but I can go front to back and back to front. I have also been eating lots of solid food: rice cereal, bananas, pears, avacado, apples, peas, and carrots. We tried one at a time and now I can eat lots of things.

Sometimes I am sleepy...
Sometimes I am happy.....

 And sometimes....

I get mad.

But overall, I'm a pretty good kid. I love my family. I have wonderful grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. I am growing and growing everyday. :) Lots of love, Cooper T. Jordan

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