Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lego Fest 2011


Yesterday we went to the Minneapolis Convention Center to experience Lego Fest 2011. Now that we have a child, we want to show him everything. Tom was thrilled to take Cooper to Lego Fest. It was quite a spectacle. There were lots of life size Lego model figurines, like the lion with Cooper in his mouth or the Star Wars Bounty Hunter that is pointing his gun at Cooper (what kind of parents are we?!?!). We saw moms and dads sitting on the floor with their kids in large piles of Legos (someday maybe.) And there was a Lego group activity where you could help build the United States out of Legos. We will start teaching Cooper how to build things out of Legos so that someday he can appreciate the Lego Fest. 

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