Monday, April 4, 2011

Puppy Love

Many people have been asking about how Cooper’s siblings (the dogs) are handling having a new baby brother. So here is the update….

Abby is intrigued by all the sounds and smells that come from Cooper. She is always sniffing around and will make sure we know when he has a poopy diaper. She runs to his side at each little coo and squeal. Her mothering instincts have definitely come out. She likes to lick his head and hands, and must check out anyone that wants to hold him. We’ve had to teacher her about boundaries and we joke that Cooper’s first words may be “No, Abby,” but overall she is doing very well. 
Cabo has been pretty indifferent to Cooper. He will occasionally go check things out, but he will watch out for Abby and her protective side. Cabo seems to be more interested in the visitors we’ve had and is content with laying his head in our laps as we sit with Cooper.
Cooper says his favorite things to do with his puppies are sleep and take walks.


  1. Abby is a GREAT watch-dog. :-) Love you all.....sweet dreams!

  2. Courtney is just sketchy
