Friday, April 29, 2011


Thursday afternoon was Cooper's first Minnesota Twins game. It was a chilly afternoon. Cooper went to the game with mom, Grandma Nadine, Grandpa Tom, Aunt Courtney, Joe, and Dave. Cooper didn't open his eyes the whole time. That's okay. The Twins lost to the Tampa Bay Rays 3-15. He must have known that it'd be a bad game. We were lucky we had Cooper to entertain us, because the Twins weren't very entertaining.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


We had a wonderful Easter weekend. You can tell by how thrilled Cooper looks in these pictures. We got a surprise visit from Mr. E. Bunny with baskets of goodies. The puppies got some new bones, Cooper got diapers, and mom and dad got candy. We spent time with both families. It was so nice to see everyone again. Cooper was the star of the show and met lots of new people (and slept through most of it.) He also participated in his first egg hunt. With the help of his fairy-aunt-mother, he found one egg.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Rolling Along

Cooper learned a new trick! He is rolling from his belly to his back . We were at Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Harvey's house today, and after dinner, during tummy time Cooper rolled over. We tried to get him to do it a few more times (so we could get it on video). This is what we got:

Nice work Cooper!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Crazy Cousins

The other day Cooper got to meet two of his cousins, Chelsea and Courtney (Yes, "Big Chelsea" has a sister named Courtney and nieces named Chelsea and Courtney). We met at the park near our house. At the park, we hung out, showed Cooper the playground equipment and chatted. The girls were great with baby Cooper. It was a warm, windy day. The weather is all over the place here. It was nice earlier this week, and now we have snow. Can you believe we have snow on April 16th? Cooper loves his cousins and can't wait to see more of them.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

6 Weeks Old

Cooper has now spent as much of his life home as he has in the hospital. Happy 6 weeks buddy!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Great, Super, Amazing, Fantastic, Wonderful, Wise, Beautiful Grandparents

Today Cooper met his great grandparents, Chuck and Lu. As one of his first outings, we went to my grandparents' house for lunch. We figured out that Chuck and Lu have 12 kids, 21 grandkids, and 11 great-grandkids (Cooper is #11). I don’t know how they’ve done it. They are pretty great, super, amazing, fantastic, wonderful, wise, and beautiful (Grandpa Chuck thought we should include some more adjectives to their title). Well, we spent the afternoon just hanging out and chatting. It was so fun!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Healthy Heart

On Friday Cooper had his follow up echo cardiogram at Children's Hospital. The Doctor said Cooper's PDA has closed and his left ventrical wall is getting thinner. She said it is everything we could hope for. We are so happy! This photo of Coop and the Minneapolis sky line was taken from the parking ramp.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Puppy Love

Many people have been asking about how Cooper’s siblings (the dogs) are handling having a new baby brother. So here is the update….

Abby is intrigued by all the sounds and smells that come from Cooper. She is always sniffing around and will make sure we know when he has a poopy diaper. She runs to his side at each little coo and squeal. Her mothering instincts have definitely come out. She likes to lick his head and hands, and must check out anyone that wants to hold him. We’ve had to teacher her about boundaries and we joke that Cooper’s first words may be “No, Abby,” but overall she is doing very well. 
Cabo has been pretty indifferent to Cooper. He will occasionally go check things out, but he will watch out for Abby and her protective side. Cabo seems to be more interested in the visitors we’ve had and is content with laying his head in our laps as we sit with Cooper.
Cooper says his favorite things to do with his puppies are sleep and take walks.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Yesterday, Grandma Cathy and I took Cooper out for his first trip to the neighborhood park. It was a little chilly, but we thought some fresh air would be a welcome change. 

At the park we took some pictures. Just so you know, the pictures were staged. We did not actually send Cooper down the slide. Actually he slept through most of the trip, and we just lay him on the slide and stood real close.

The fresh air was nice. Hopefully we will take many more trips here in the future, and maybe Cooper will be awake next time. :)