Monday, July 8, 2013

Train Ride

Where is the train?
Scenic Railroad-at the train stop

Here comes the train!

"All Aboard!"

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Last month we had to say good bye to Tia Courtney and Uncle Joe. They are going to continue their dreams of being doctors by doing their medical residencies. Joe is out on the east coast and Courtney is on the west coast. We have been able to Facetime with both of them, but we miss them both a lot.
Here is a picture of us from a Fathers' Day brunch at Target Field.

Como Zoo

Sunday, March 3, 2013

2years old

Happy Birthday baby!
We love you! (more pictures to come soon)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, February 1, 2013

Shoot Hoops

I'm feeling a little better today and practicing my Michael Jordan tongue. What do you think?
-Cooper Thomas Jordan

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sick kiddo

Well, Cooper has his first ear infection....and quite a cough. We knew something was wrong when he wouldn't eat dinner. Cooper not wanting to eat?!?!? Something had to be wrong.

His MRI has been delayed for a couple of weeks at least.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dog Sledding Adventure

What a great way to wrap up the year 2012. We went up north for a long weekend and went crazy with all of our winter activities. It was filled with dog sledding, horse and wagon ride, ice skating, and tons of family fun. For Christmas my parents got us a dog sledding adventure. It was 2 hours and luckily we got enough snow for the sled. We got to hook up the dogs, and take turns riding on the sled. I even got to stand on the back like a real dog sledder. I can't imagine how the do this for a long race like the Bear Grease or the Iditerod. Some of the dogs that we remember are Soda, Kaylie, Malacs, and Wes. The family that owns the dogs (58 dogs in total) also has 3 horses. They took us on a ride while we were waiting for our turn on the sled.

Positive Energy Outdoor Adventures

 We really bundled up! Cooper looked like the little kid from the movie A Christmas Story. He could barely move around, but he was still smiley. We really worked him this weekend and he did well with all of these new experiences.