Sunday, February 26, 2012

Little Lion Man

A quick update (with pictures):

Here is Cooper's latest toy, a little lion that he can ride. He doesn't ride too much, but he likes to sit on it and push the lion's nose so that it lights up and makes music.
Cooper and his friend, Benjamin. We went over to see Benjamin's new baby sister.  Welcome baby Allison ("Elephant")!

Cooper loves snuggling. Here are some pictures of him snuggling up with dad and the puppies and grandma.

Cooper had his first trip to Lion's Tap restaurant. He didn't get to eat a famous hamburger but did try the french fries.Yum, yum.

With the mild winter in Minnesota, Cooper has had some playtime outside. He pushes around in his walker a lot now. He used to just hover, but now he goes forward and backward and is learning how to steer.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cooper and Mom

 A few pictures of Cooper and his mommy:
  I love you little man!

Monday, February 6, 2012



Cooper went to his first rodeo on Friday at the Excell Engergy Center. He liked watching the animals, but he fell asleep at the show. It was a late night. Maybe someday he will be like the little kids that ride a sheep. They were hanging on tight.  We also took some pictures by the Minnesota Wild hockey desplays. It made for a fun, family Friday night.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I have cute little round cheeks (mis cachetitos) and two front teeth. I love to smile....and make others smile. Have a great day!
-Love, Cooper