Wednesday, December 28, 2011

From pickles to pineapple

Cooper has been trying all kinds of new foods lately. Basically he'll get a little of whatever we have on our plates. This week he's tried lots of new things: Swedish meatballs, pickles, pineapple, bread, and tomatoes.... So far he loves them all. No picky eater here. :)

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Sunday, December 4, 2011


  On Thanksgiving Day we went to Michelle's house for dinner. Cooper loved hanging out with his Aunty Michelle and Uncle Tim.....

 Then we went over to Aunt Sharron's house for lots of pie (and whipped cream, Laurie).....

We looked at the upcoming Black Friday sales.....
 Then we slept a little bit (Uncle Bill always puts Cooper to sleep, we call him "the baby whisperer")...

 We watched football and spent good time with family. We have so much to be thankful for this holiday season. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!

...baptism continued...

A few more pictures from Cooper's baptism party: