Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We have received so many great gifts for the new baby. Here are a few pictures of things we have gotten this week.

This is the amazing quilt that Lindsey’s mom, Deb, made for us. It is wonderful! And look, it matches the room perfectly. 

In this picture Tom is practicing burping a stuffed monkey on new burp cloths (handmade by Lindsey).  Good work, honey!
Here are some great new outfits that we got from the Graham family and our neighbor, Sherree.
Everyone, thank you for the gifts! We know this baby is coming into a world with lots of people that care about him. We really appreciate all your support.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Some new pictures of the nursery.

We've been working hard to get ready for baby Jordan.
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Friday, February 11, 2011


Let me start by saying...Don't worry everyone....mommy and baby are fine. Baby is still inside me. Here is what happened...

A picture I took of myself.
My aggressive oral hydration program.
Yesterday around 2:45, I had a routine doctor's appointment at the perinatal clinic. I had another ultrasound where we got to see our first 3D picture of our baby. They also did some measurements. It looks like he is weighing in at an estimated 7lbs 2oz already. He still has a big head and a big belly. He was kicking around a lot and practicing his breathing muscles. After the ultrasound, they put me on the fetal monitor (like I've done for the last 3 weeks). Everything looked good, but the nurse asked me, "Do you feel that?" Nope. "You're having contractions." Anyways after my appointment they send me up to the OB triage unit to be monitored longer. I was admitted to the hospital, put on a strict aggressive oral hydration treatment (drink water, because you can get contractions if you're dehydrated), and monitored. My mom came over around 6:00 to keep me company. The doctor gave me a medication to help stop the contractions, but they kept coming, and I kept not feeling them. Finally around 10pm, the doctor discharged me because my fetal fibronectin test came back negative and there was nothing happening with my cervix. I had to take today off of work, and they are keeping a very close eye on me. The baby, Tom, and I are enjoying the day off. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mother/daughter picture.

Here's a picture of mother and daughter at Larsmont. It was a relaxing weekend.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011