Sunday, January 30, 2011

Baby Shower #1!

We had our first baby shower last weekend, hosted by Courtney and Briana. It was so great to have family and friends there. We had such a great time. Everyone is getting excited for baby to come. 

We got lots of fun new gifts for baby. In these pictures I am opening some baby blankets from Laurie and a cuddly blanket made by A&T. Below, there is a picture and video of the great craft project where everyone made blocks for the baby. We have a very creative family. C. J. helped me with our block. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flowers from a friend!

I got these special flowers in the mail today from some CO friends. They have baby clothes wrapped into them. How cute! P.S. they are sitting on the new rocking chair.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prego Teachers

We have 6 prego teachers at work. Here is a picture of 4 of us. Elizabeth is in her 39th week, Lisa is in her 31st, I am in my 30th, and Brooke is in her 21st week of pregnancy. Here come the babies!!!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tour of the Hospital

Yesterday we went to visit the hospital. We are planning to deliver at Methodist Hospital. We went on a tour with a group of 11 other couples. It was a big group. They told us what we should do when we get there and showed us the family waiting area, the delivery rooms, and the postpartum rooms. It was exciting to think about what we'll be doing in a few months. We start our other classes next week.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Prego Picture

Here's a prego picture of me laying with the puppies. 

P.S. Happy birthday Courtney!!! We love you!
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years 2011!

Happy New Year!!!
Happy 2011! We spent our new year with friends. 2nd row at the MN Gopher hockey game, dinner at Jimmy's, party at J & T's, and a morning brunch. It was lots of fun. This year will bring lots of new joys and we are excited!   

Here are a few videos from our New Year's Eve. I'll have to work on getting steadier with the camera, sorry. Enjoy!