Wednesday, December 28, 2011

From pickles to pineapple

Cooper has been trying all kinds of new foods lately. Basically he'll get a little of whatever we have on our plates. This week he's tried lots of new things: Swedish meatballs, pickles, pineapple, bread, and tomatoes.... So far he loves them all. No picky eater here. :)

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Sunday, December 4, 2011


  On Thanksgiving Day we went to Michelle's house for dinner. Cooper loved hanging out with his Aunty Michelle and Uncle Tim.....

 Then we went over to Aunt Sharron's house for lots of pie (and whipped cream, Laurie).....

We looked at the upcoming Black Friday sales.....
 Then we slept a little bit (Uncle Bill always puts Cooper to sleep, we call him "the baby whisperer")...

 We watched football and spent good time with family. We have so much to be thankful for this holiday season. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!

...baptism continued...

A few more pictures from Cooper's baptism party:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Anniversary and Baptism

What a weekend! Last weekend was crazy busy. First, Tom and I celebrated 6 years of marriage on Saturday, November 19th. We went on a date (while Cathy, Courtney, and Joe watched Cooper), out to lunch and then to the movie "Money Ball." It was a great baseball movie! We had a fun anniversary date.

Then on Sunday we had Cooper's baptism. We celebrated with a 'small' group of family members. Cooper's godparents are Tom's brother, Uncle Tim, and my sister, Aunt Courtney. Here are some pictures. We'll try to add some video soon.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wedding Photos

 On Oct. 29th, we celebrated the wedding of Andrea and Brandon Tyrrell. What a wonderful day! Andrea was beautiful, and Brandon made the ceremony so funny. Cooper wore a Nebraska tie, Brandon's favorite team. :) We spent good time with family and danced the night away. Thanks for throwing such a great party. We love you and wish you many years of happiness.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Cooper had a great first Halloween. He was part of the Excelsior Elementary Halloween Parade. See Cooper (a Kangaroo) and his friend Rhys (a skunk) marching in the parade. He got some treats from the neighbors, candy and a book (see him with Katie above). Although he can't eat the candy, he enjoyed his first year of trick-or-treating.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


 Here are a few pictures from when Cooper's fairy aunt mother was babysitting yesterday. They went for a run (all bundled up), and Cooper rode his horse. Looks like they had fun.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin time!!!

Our little pumpkin had a great few days with Grandma Cathy and mom at Larsmont over MEA break. We carved a pumpkin, went to the candy store for caramel apples, and we took a few walks down by the lake and to the coffee shop. Cooper loves listening to the sound of the waves on Lake Superior.

Tower Bridge

Here are a few pictures of Tom's birthday present, the Tower Bridge made out of Legos. He turned 31 on 10/10/11. Happy Birthday! We love you (and your love for Legos)! The bridge is huge and going into Cooper's room.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hanging with the Girls

Cooper loves all the attention that he gets from his cousins. All five of his cousins are girls, and they just love their little man. He will have lots of great babysitters.