Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Family of 4

We love our family of 4. Little Mason is getting a personality of his own, and Cooper has been such a good big brother. Loving our boys!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Summer Surprise!

Yes, there are 4 pairs of sunglasses.
We are looking forward to adding another little boy to our family in July.
We are very excited for this new addition to the family.
Looking forward to summer......


Some pictures from January and February:

Dec. in San Fran.

Here are some pictures from Dec. 2013....our trip to San Francisco

Monday, July 8, 2013

Train Ride

Where is the train?
Scenic Railroad-at the train stop

Here comes the train!

"All Aboard!"

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Last month we had to say good bye to Tia Courtney and Uncle Joe. They are going to continue their dreams of being doctors by doing their medical residencies. Joe is out on the east coast and Courtney is on the west coast. We have been able to Facetime with both of them, but we miss them both a lot.
Here is a picture of us from a Fathers' Day brunch at Target Field.

Como Zoo

Sunday, March 3, 2013

2years old

Happy Birthday baby!
We love you! (more pictures to come soon)

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